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HomeCalendarThousand Oaks Hamlet Lunch Bunch at King Tsin Restaurant

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Thousand Oaks Hamlet Lunch Bunch at King Tsin Restaurant

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 11, 2015, 12:30 PM until 2:00 PM


King Tsin Restaurant
King Tsin Reataurant
1699 Solano Ave
Berkeley, CA  

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Carol Takaki


Neighborhood Group

Registration Info

Registration is recommended

About this event



Thousand Oaks Hamlet Lunch Bunch 
Wed. Mar. 11 at 12:30 PM:
Come join us for a fun, casual no-host lunch at King Tsin Restaurant on Solano Ave, Berkeley.
This Dim-Sum restaurant has a large variety of dishes. See their website for details of their Main-Menu and Dim-Sum-Menu
Please RSVP to Carol Takaki (
by Mon., Mar. 9, if you are planning on coming so she can make reservations so that we can all sit at the same table.
All Ashby village members are invited!
Please call us if you need a ride to lunch.  See you there.