RSVP: Joseph Evinger (
When: Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 3:00-4:30 pm (PT)
Where: Zoom (click "Zoom" to join event)
Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083
Passcode: science
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Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083
Open to: All
Science and Ideas: Vestibular Support
for Thriving in Gravity Bound Space
Presenter: Mary Kawar, MS, OTR
Description of talk: Vestibular Support for Thriving in Gravity Bound Space
Mary will discuss the design and function of the vestibular system which is the foundation for posture, balance, vision, mobility, and spatial awareness throughout the life span. While the vestibular system is one of the oldest sensory systems, it was viewed as a primitive sense, not worthy of being added to the five senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. However, each of these five senses depend on vestibular processing to function properly.
Short biography:
Mary Kawar is an occupational therapist who for over 60 years has developed and implemented innovative therapeutic strategies for clients of all ages, employing her expertise as a clinician, educator, and program developer. She lectures internationally for allied health professionals, specializing in vestibular processing as a foundation for sensory processing and motor control to enhance physical, emotional, social, and cognitive performance with clients of all ages. Her passion for incorporating relevant scientific research has fueled her success in creating novel therapeutic strategies that enhance treatment outcomes.