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HomeProfessional Providers
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professional Providers

While Ashby Village is a volunteer-first organization, certain situations require the services of a professional provider. Relying upon the experiences and recommendations of our members, we can offer our members an extensive network of professional service providers when the need arises.

Click here to see a list of the types of professional services offered by these providers.

Each professional service provider has completed an application that is submitted to Ashby Village for review.  At that time, we verify that the provider has appropriate and up-to-date licenses and check its references. We do not guarantee the services or products of these providers, and we will remove a provider from our list if we receive a valid complaint from a member. We do not ensure that the provider is compliant with current COVID or other public health-related orders or guidelines.  

If you are a service provider interested in becoming part of the resources we provide to our members, please complete an application.

Apply as a professional provider