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Would you like to know us better?

Join one of our monthly "meet and greet" Information Sessions! 

Come share about your interest and hear from our community members about what it means to be a Villager - what we do, who we are, and how we are continuing
Aging Better. Together.

You'll have the opportunity to hear about what it means to be part of the Village and can ask questions and engage in dynamic conversations about aging successfully in our community.

Dates of Information Sessions are published on our Events Calendar - register to join us!

Currently, these monthly Information Sessions are taking place by Zoom
, but if you would like to get started sooner and don't want to wait until the next session, or would prefer to have a one-on-one conversation with a member of our Outreach Team we can schedule that for you!

Speak with Someone

If you would like to speak with someone about what Ashby Village offers to its members, please call the Ashby Village office, Monday through Friday, from 9am to 5pm, at 510-204-9200.  Or send us an email at  

If you would find it helpful to speak to a member, please let us know.