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Science and Ideas Group - Adventures in Metabolism and Nutrition

Date and Time

Thursday, March 13, 2025, 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM

Event Contact(s)

Joseph D Evinger


Interest Group

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RSVP: Joseph Evinger (

When: Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 3:00-4:30 pm

Where: Zoom (click "Zoom" to join event)

Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083
Passcode: science

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Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083 

Open to: All

Science and Ideas: 
Adventures in Metabolism and Nutrition: 
From Energy Production Trade-Offs in Cancer Cells to Lifespan Extension in C. elegans (nematode worms)

Denis Titov, Assistant Professor at the University of California Berkeley

 I will present two short stories about research projects in our lab. First, I will talk about our discovery of why cancer cells exhibit the Warburg Effect – a phenomenon where many prokaryotic cells, which lack a nucleus, and eukaryotic cells, which have a nucleus, metabolize glucose to organism-specific by-products, instead of fully oxidizing them to carbon dioxide and water. The benefit to a cell is not fully understood, given that partial metabolism of glucose yields an order of magnitude less ATP, an energy-carrying molecule found in all living cells, per molecule of glucose than complete oxidation. Second, I will talk about our discovery of the mechanism of lifespan extension of C. elegans by caloric restriction. Caloric restriction (CR) extends the lifespan of yeast, worms, flies, mice, and other organisms by up to 100%. Human studies show that lower caloric intake delays the onset of multiple age-associated diseases. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of CR action may yield novel therapeutic approaches to treat human diseases.

Denis Titov is an Assistant Professor at the University of California Berkeley with joint appointments in the Department of Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology, the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, and the Center for Computational Biology. His lab is interested in understanding how changes in metabolism affect aging and age-associated diseases. Denis received his undergraduate degree in chemistry from Novosibirsk State University, Russia and his PhD in Pharmacology from Johns Hopkins University, where he investigated the mechanism action of bioactive natural products in the laboratory of Dr. Jun O. Liu. He then completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital in the laboratory of Dr. Vamsi K. Mootha, where he pioneered novel approaches for studying and manipulating energy metabolism in living cells. Dr. Titov’s long-term research goal is to understand how metabolic homeostasis is achieved and how caloric restriction extends lifespan. He is interested in the following broad questions: How do cells maintain ATP homeostasis?  How do metabolic pathways coordinate conflicting goals of ATP production and biosynthesis? How does diet extend lifespan and delay the onset of age-associated diseases? Can we predict the diet that will increase the lifespan of an individual animal? To tackle these questions, Titov lab is using a combination of biochemistry, mathematical modeling, physiology, custom instrumentation, and novel tool development to study metabolism and aging in mammalian cell culture and model organisms.

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