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Community goes local!

Neighborhood Groups seek to enhance the sense of community at Ashby Village by making it easier for members to get to know other members and volunteers from their own neighborhoods in small group settings.  Neighborhood Groups provide community and companionship with other villagers nearby andare an important part of the Ashby Village mission

The eight Ashby Village Neighborhood Groups (identified on the map on the right) sponsor a wide variety of events, including happy hour get-togethers, pot lucks, lunches at neighborhood restaurants, walks, game and discussion groups, creative groups, technology groups, and more. 

Ashby Village members are encouraged to get involved with their local Neighborhood Group – suggest, help plan or host, and participate in activities that provide opportunities for neighbors to connect.

Neighborhood Group Events are listed on the Ashby Village online calendar and in the weekly Upcoming Events email delivered to Ashby Village members and volunteers every Sunday morning. All members and volunteers are invited to all Neighborhood Group events. 

Interested in learning more about Neighborhood Groups? Contact the Ashby Village office at or by calling (510) 204-9200.

Read stories from the Hamlet and North Berkeley Neighborhood Groups.
Check Neighborhood Groups' Events on the Calendar    
NEIGHBORHOOD group social event
Neighborhood Group Members get together

2025 Neighborhood Groups Map
Neighborhood Groups at Ashby Village