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HomePhysical wellbeing services
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healthier aging program


The Healthier Aging Program aims to empower members to be enthusiastic, motivated, and committed to keeping our bodies active. We're especially excited to turn members on to movement that is done with others. This encourages a practice that is not only healthy but fun and sociable at the same time!

NATURE WALKS and hikes

Walking together is a great way to meet other Villagers, get outside, get some exercise and enjoy the natural world. Guided by Ashby Village members and volunteer walk leaders, explore trails in the East Bay Regional Parks, local parklands and gardens in the cities where our members live. Locations are chosen to provide a wonderful nature experience for a wide variety of interests and abilities. Seasonality is considered (weather, views, wildlife) as well as degree of difficulty (incline, elevation gain, path surface). Many selected trails have alternative and add-on options and are wheelchair accessible.

strength, stretch and dance

This course, sponsored in collaboration with the Berkeley Adult School, is designed as a weekly exercise class for those wishing to build strength, increase flexibility and have a fun time moving to music with others.


These classes incorporate gentle stretching, breath work, modified yoga poses and relaxation. No prior experience is necessary. Come breathe, relax, improve your flexibility and balance, and have fun with your friends and neighbors.


Tai Chi Chih is a non-martial art form consisting of 19 flowing, simple movements and one pose. Movements are done slowly and smoothly, from either a standing or a sitting position. Not only are the movements easy to learn, but the benefits are great. These include improved balance, circulation and flexibility; reduction of muscle tension; increased mental clarity and the ability to focus; help with arthritis pain and movement; aiding of the immune system; and the cultivation of serenity.